Monday, January 4, 2010

Utah Quit Claim Deed Is Saving 30% Of My Self Employed Income Good To Cover Federal And Utah State Tax?

Is saving 30% of my self employed income good to cover Federal and Utah State tax? - utah quit claim deed

I tried looking on your own, but I feel that I am not finding my answer, and I did not spend money on a CPA or other tax someone else to ask. I need to know before you leave your job and start working for me. Any help would be great!


knowital... said...

It depends on how, as he is on a sliding scale. Utah begins at 5%, FICA is 15.3% and federal taxes by at least 15% to 36% would be closer. It is a quarterly basis in the amount of estimated tax. Of course, the rate of spending Congress in 2010 to closer to 50%.

the tax lady said...

30% is the starting point.

Sit down and make predictions about the revenue. Then an empty taxes (last year) was very good, and run the numbers.

Please make money, can only 15.3% FICA / mc.
If you have a spouse but the income and many children, the income tax owed May.

If you have a lot of income, has over 10%, 15% and 25% support of the country and then extend to.
(The marginal rate to 25%, the actual rate of 15% in May.)

the tax lady said...

30% is the starting point.

Sit down and make predictions about the revenue. Then an empty taxes (last year) was very good, and run the numbers.

Please make money, can only 15.3% FICA / mc.
If you have a spouse but the income and many children, the income tax owed May.

If you have a lot of income, has over 10%, 15% and 25% support of the country and then extend to.
(The marginal rate to 25%, the actual rate of 15% in May.)

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